
Creating the perfect temperature, humidity and light levels that plants need to thrive is difficult in a home environment, where our number one priority is making ourselves warm and comfortable. Good watering practices and creating a diverse biological ecosystem from the roots up will strengthen your houseplants' resilience against environmental stresses found in most homes.

We love our houseplants and spend hours each weekend meticulously watering, feeding, training and repotting. Not everyone has the time or energy for this so we've collated a few of our products that make caring for your houseplants simple.


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6 products

Healthy Houseplant KitEcothrive Biosys - One Powder, Many Benefits! All-in-one microbial tea.
Healthy Houseplant Kit Sale priceFrom £9.00
Blumat ClassicBlumat Classic
Blumat Classic Sale priceFrom £3.50
Ecothrive Biosys - One Powder, Many Benefits! All-in-one microbial tea.Ecothrive Biosys - One Powder, Many Benefits! All-in-one microbial tea.
Biosys Sale priceFrom £4.00
Ecothrive Flourish Premium Seaweed ExtractFlourish
Flourish Sale priceFrom £9.00
Ecothrive Neutralise Water DechlorinatorNeutralise
Neutralise Sale priceFrom £5.95
Blumat Classic XLBlumat Classic XL
Blumat Classic XL Sale priceFrom £5.26