Complete Premium Compost for Extracts
- Inoculation Grade Biologically Complete Compost
- Laboratory Tested for Optimal Nutrition and Biology
- Simple to Use: Just Mix with Dechlorinated Water
- Abundant in Fungi, Bacteria, Protozoa, and Nematodes
- Enhances Plant and Soil Health
- Ready to Use in Just 60 Seconds
- A Single Weekly Application is All That is Required
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Currently Unavailable to Growers Outside the UK
Unfortunately, due to restrictions on importing soil and growing media we are unable to ship this item to Europe right now. Sign up to the Ecothrive Newsletter to receive an update as soon as we can resume shipping to Europe.
Wholesale Availability:
Currently, our supply of inoculation-grade compost from the Soil Smiths is limited, so Bio-Blend is not available through our wholesale network. However, we are expanding our composting operations at Ecothrive HQ to scale up production. For now, Bio-Blend remains an exclusive offering directly from our website.

Traditionally, top-dressing with compost is common, but when supplies are limited, making a liquid compost extract is far more effective. If you’re new to this method, don’t worry! Simply mix the compost thoroughly in dechlorinated water to create an effective, simple extract.

Applying Bio-Blend as a compost extract will noticeably improve plant health, enhance growth, and reduce drought stress. Additional benefits include heightened stress tolerance, improved pest and disease resistance, and quicker environmental adaptability, thanks to the rich array of soil microbes and their growth-promoting by-products.

Maintaining diverse microbiology within soil can be daunting but is essential for producing high-quality crops. Bio-Blend provides an effective way to quickly enhance your soil’s microbiological diversity.
Traditionally, top-dressing with compost is common, but when supplies are limited, making a liquid compost extract is far more effective. If you’re new to this method, don’t worry! Simply mix the compost thoroughly in dechlorinated water to create an effective, simple extract.
Applying Bio-Blend as a compost extract will noticeably improve plant health, enhance growth, and reduce drought stress. Additional benefits include heightened stress tolerance, improved pest and disease resistance, and quicker environmental adaptability, thanks to the rich array of soil microbes and their growth-promoting by-products.
Maintaining diverse microbiology within soil can be daunting but is essential for producing high-quality crops. Bio-Blend provides an effective way to quickly enhance your soil’s microbiological diversity.

Why Ecothrive Bio-Blend Stands Out
A Professional Source of Diverse Microbiology for Organic Compost Tea: Bio-Blend is an organic and complete compost blend designed for creating liquid compost extracts or “compost tea”. As every professional organic grower understands, the efficacy of compost tea is dependent on the quality of the compost and inputs. Through a partnership with the Soil Smiths, we have developed a bespoke biological inoculum, combining inoculation-grade thermophilic compost with our superior vermicompost (also known as worm castings). This mixture introduces an extensive range of naturally occurring beneficial microbes and soil organisms, providing a substantial dose of plant-available nutrients in balanced ratios.
How is Bio-Blend Premium Compost Produced? The Soil Smiths create their premium grade compost from meticulously selected sources using the Johnson-Su bioreactor method. This careful process, verified at every stage under a microscope, ensures the vitality of specific microbial communities crucial for our gardens' health. After maturing for six to twelve months, we produce a highly fungal, biologically complete compost that meets all microbial requirements set forth by renowned soil expert, Dr. Elaine Ingham. We then enhance this premium compost by blending it with lab-verified vermicompost to form our distinctive 'Bio-Blend'.
Bio-Blend: Essential for Living Soil: For those cultivating living soil, building a dynamic ecosystem is essential but it can be challenging without the right tools. Bio-Blend’s biologically complete compost extract introduces a comprehensive assortment of soil food web organisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, worms, and small soil insects, ideal for enriching both indoor and outdoor living soil systems. An uptick in soil surface activity, like emerging small mushrooms and increased soil insect activity, indicates a thriving soil environment.
Superior Compost for Superior Results: Indoor growers sometimes mistakenly view beneficial soil-dwelling insects as pests rather than as integral components of a healthy living soil system. In a genuine living soil system, these organisms are crucial for maintaining ecosystem health. Bio-Blend attracts a wide array of arthropods, including soil mites, springtails, and millipedes, all of which play vital roles in developing and sustaining your soil ecosystem.
How Beneficial Soil Biology Functions: Using a compost extract stimulates a diverse soil food web. The increased activity of bacteria and fungi, consumed by protozoa and nematodes, boosts mineralisation rates, thus providing more nutrients available for plant uptake—a cycle affectionately known among some soil food web enthusiasts as the "poop loop".
How To use

Add 0.25-0.5L of Bio-Blend per 5-10L of water.

- Mix vigorously for 30 to 60 seconds.
- You can use a large spoon, paddle mixer or paint mixer drill attachment.

- Apply 5-10L of the extract per 1-2m2 of growing area.
- It is best to keep the liquid mixed while applying.
- You can top-dress the used compost onto your pots or beds.
Add 0.25-0.5L of Bio-Blend per 5-10L of water.
- Mix vigorously for 30 to 60 seconds.
- You can use a large spoon, paddle mixer or paint mixer drill attachment.
- Apply 5-10L of the extract per 1-2m2 of growing area.
- It is best to keep the liquid mixed while applying.
- You can top-dress the used compost onto your pots or beds.

Professional Organic Grower Cultivation Tips for Using Bio-Blend
Preparing Your Water: Always dechlorinate your water before mixing in any compost or biological additives. Using neutralise is a quick and effective method.
Water Temperature: Aim to use water that is a similar temperature to your soil to prevent thermal shock. Avoid using water that is too cold or too hot, as maintaining temperature equilibrium will help you extract the maximum benefits from your compost.
Filtering the Extract: If you're applying Bio-Blend with a watering can equipped with a fine rose, it's advisable to filter the extract through a 400-micron pond filter bag, or a paint strainer. This step removes the bulk of the material, allowing for smoother application. The removed compost can be top-dressed or added to your compost heap.
Shelf Life and Usage: Once purchased, plan to use all the Bio-Blend compost within 8-12 weeks. The vitality of the compost might decline once it's separated from its bulk storage due to changes in storage conditions.
Care Instructions: Store your Bio-Blend in a cool, dark place. Avoid sealing the container too tightly; keep the lid loosely closed and use the compost as soon as possible. Protect it from heat sources like radiators since higher temperatures can increase microbial activity, which you want to keep to a minimum to preserve the compost's efficacy. Like a living pet, the Bio-Blend compost requires a bit of moisture to stay in prime condition. Consider opening the container occasionally to mist it lightly if it appears to be drying out.
What is Bio-Blend—simply stated?
Bio-Blend is a high-quality compost extract designed for use in organic and sustainable farming practices. It enhances microbial life and nutrient availability in the soil, which is the backbone of healthy plant growth and premium quality organic harvests.
When do I use Bio-Blend?
We suggest making a compost extract and using it on established plants in healthy, well-balanced soil. Compost extract is suitable for use in the vegetative phase and fruit or flower production.
How much Bio-Blend do I use?
We recommend using 0.25-0.5L of the compost blend to 5-10L of dechlorinated water, applied to 1-2m2 of growing area. Use water that’s a similar temperature to your soil. Limiting shock to your root zone will make sure you are getting the most from your extract. If growing in pots, divide 5-10L between the number of plants per 1-2m2, for example; 4 pots per m2 will require 0.625-2.5L per pot.
How do I mix Bio-Blend
Use a mixing vessel twice the size of your final extract volume. For example, choose a 20L bucket if you are making 10L of extract. Add the compost blend to the water and mix vigorously for 30 seconds to 1 minute. You can use a large spoon, paddle mixer or paint mixer drill attachment. If you have none of these things to hand, a pole or a sturdy stick will do the job! Once well-mixed, use the mixture straight away. You can filter the bulk compost out of the extract if applying it through a watering can with a fine rose or sprayer. A 400-micron pond filter is a good option. You can top-dress the used compost onto your pots or beds, or apply it to your compost heap. Alternatively, simply water the compost extract onto the soil around the base of each plant with the compost included.
How do I apply Bio-Blend?
After making the extract, it is best to keep the liquid mixed while applying. Simply giving it a good stir before watering is fine. Nematodes are relatively heavy and will sink to the bottom, so keeping it agitated we ensure even application of all the compost extract constituents.
Can I use Bio-Blend with other organic inputs?
Always check the ingredients in the product you are using. If they contain microbial foods such as carbohydrates (beet and sugar cane molasses) or liquid fish extracts, either avoid them or use them at very low doses. The risk associated with these bio-stim products is they provide microbial foods at such a high rate, they over-stimulate the soil microorganisms creating a boom-bust cycle and collapsing the soil food web. Mycorrhizal root inoculants, bacterial products like Mammoth P and combination products like Biosys are all compatible with Bio-Blend.
How are fungi beneficial in soil?
Increasing fungal biomass will help your living soil thrive! In many ecosystems the primary decomposers are fungi. These primary decomposers break down, eat and digest organic matter. Saprotrophic fungi produce a branching web of hyphae that penetrate through the soil and decaying organic matter. This hyphae web absorbs nutrients from the environment and can translocate them to other areas of the fungal web. Building a symbiotic relationship between your plants' rhizosphere and fungi allows the fungal hyphae to exchange nutrients with the plant roots; these exchange points are created by mycorrhizal fungi and are called arbuscules. The benefits of increased fungal activity aren't just limited to nutrient location, there are many other benefits too. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi produce an incredible glycoprotein, this protein is called Glomalin. Glomalin is released by the hyphae of the fungi and is like a glue that can retain large amounts of carbon and maintain a strong soil structure. As well as helping build a rich carbon store in your soil, fungal breakdown will drive other microbial growth. This boost in microbes will drive the cycling of nitrogen, and mineralisation of phosphorus and other soil nutrients vital for healthy plant growth.
Is Bio-Blend minerally balanced?
Maintaining a well-balanced soil is easier when adding a balanced compost extract. Each batch of Bio-Blend compost has been lab tested to make sure your plants can continue to thrive without the risks of overloading potassium, sodium, chloride or other elements that are naturally higher in other composts.
When should I use Bio-Blend?
When the plants have established and are growing at a healthy rate, a single dose of compost extract once a week is optimal. We are aiming to build the biology over time, there are no real shortcuts to establishing a truly superior living soil! Working with growers and real-world testing has given us the experience and understanding of how beneficial these compost extracts can be. Weekly inoculations are a great way to build the desired biology and life in your soil, as well as provide some extra plant-available nutrition to your plants.
Can I use Bio-Blend on cuttings and seedlings?
We don't advise using Bio-Blend with young cuttings or seedlings, with such a small and underdeveloped rhizosphere the concentration of microbial life from the compost extract can be too much. We suggest using the compost extract with established plants in a healthy balanced living soil.
I'm growing with coco or other substrates and liquid fertilisers can I use Bio-Blend?
If using a coco, peat or peat-free substrate with liquid mineral or organic fertilisers, we do not advise using compost extracts like Bio-Blend. Tests carried out by the Soil Ecology Laboratory using this approach created nutritional problems and low yields. This is because, when you introduce a high-quality compost extract into substrates that are maintained with liquid feeds, microbial activity can rapidly deplete the substrate of nutrients. This causes competition with the plants and mineral imbalance, leading to unhealthy plants. More research needs to be done at lower doses of compost extract with increased nutritional inputs. We recommend using compost extracts with nutritionally dense organic soil, like our living soil. This provides better conditions for the microbes and plants to thrive.
Can I add Bio-Blend to an empty pot or bed before repotting?
As long as the soil is healthy and well-balanced, you can water the soil with compost extract before you plant. Our partners at the Soil Smiths, who make the thermophilic compost advise using the compost extracts when plants are established with a healthy root system for maximum benefit.
When I'm using the compost extract, is there anything else I can add to boost the life in my soil?
Yes! Adding some saprotrophic mushrooms under your mulch layer can be a great way to get those primary and secondary decomposers booming! King Stropharia (aka wine cap) mushrooms are a great species to add, oyster mushrooms, shiitake and reishi mushrooms are primary decomposers too! You can purchase these as mushroom spawn and use them under your mulch layer, in addition to applying compost extracts. It's as easy as that!
Compost? Do you mean the stuff in bags from garden centres?
No, this is quite different. The typical bags of “multi-purpose compost” are a blend of various growing media ingredients such as peat, coco coir, green waste, bark fines etc. These are low-quality potting mixes and not really compost at all. In the UK, gardeners call this compost when in reality it's a soilless growing medium or ‘substrate’.
Can Bio-Blend be used in all types of gardens?
Bio-Blend is ideal for use in organic soil gardens—indoor organic gardens or outdoor organic gardens. It is not recommended for hydroponic systems or purely peat-based substrates as it can disrupt the nutrient balance and overwhelm the medium.
What makes Bio-Blend superior to other compost extracts?
Unlike standard compost or multi-purpose growing mixes, Bio-Blend is a specifically formulated compost extract with a balanced mineral profile to prevent overloading your soil with potassium, sodium, and chloride, which are common in other composts.
How should Bio-Blend be stored?
Keep Bio-Blend in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Ensure the container is sealed to maintain its efficacy.
Is Bio-Blend recommended for edible and consumable crops?
Absolutely. Bio-Blend is excellent for edible gardens, enhancing soil vitality and thus supporting healthier, more robust plant growth which can lead to better yields, flavours and quality.