Eco-Life Potting Soil 45L
The Ultimate Organic Potting Mix
- Packed full of organic nutrition to support plants throughout their lives
- Easy to use, just fill your containers, plant, and keep the soil moist
- Provides perfect soil structure and aeration
- Bursting with beneficial biology
- Eco-friendly production process
- Loved by beginners and experienced growers alike
- Crafted in the UK
- Can be reused again and again (with our soil enricher, Life-Cycle)
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Currently Unavailable to Growers Outside the UK
Unfortunately, due to restrictions on importing soil and growing media we are unable to ship this item to Europe right now. Sign up to the Ecothrive Newsletter to receive an update as soon as we can resume shipping to Europe.

Eco-Life is a real potting soil, made with organic natural inputs to replicate the microbial magic that occurs in nature. It contains everything growers need to create the thriving microbial population required to break down organic nutrients so that they’re available to the plants, just when they need it.

Fill your containers with Eco-Life, plant up, keep them moist and apply a few top-dresses of Life-Cycle—that’s it! No need to mix up liquid feeds or adjust pH! All you need to focus on is developing a good watering technique (gradual, even wetting) in order to maintain optimal soil conditions. Growers tell us constantly that they are amazed by the results with so little headwork!
Eco-Life soil is different to traditional bagged soils and soilless substrates. There’s no need for liquid nutrients, there's plenty of nutrition loaded into the soil. All you need to do to help the microbes make it available is to keep the soil moist and apply Life-Cycle as a top-dress as the nutrition depletes. Your plants will do the rest.

Eco-Life is based on a blend of naturally sourced inputs that replicate a humus-rich fertile soil. All of the ingredients we use are multi-nutritional and offer growth-stimulating benefits to maximise plant health, vigour and immunity. Also, by mixing in a range of long, medium and quick release ingredients, Eco-Life is capable of giving your plants the nutrition they need over a long period. While growing water-only is an option in large containers or beds, better results will be achieved with 2 or 3 top-dresses of Life-Cycle to replace the nutrition the plant has removed.
Eco-Life is a real potting soil, made with organic natural inputs to replicate the microbial magic that occurs in nature. It contains everything growers need to create the thriving microbial population required to break down organic nutrients so that they’re available to the plants, just when they need it.
Fill your containers with Eco-Life, plant up, keep them moist and apply a few top-dresses of Life-Cycle—that’s it! No need to mix up liquid feeds or adjust pH! All you need to focus on is developing a good watering technique (gradual, even wetting) in order to maintain optimal soil conditions. Growers tell us constantly that they are amazed by the results with so little headwork!
Eco-Life soil is different to traditional bagged soils and soilless substrates. There’s no need for liquid nutrients, there's plenty of nutrition loaded into the soil. All you need to do to help the microbes make it available is to keep the soil moist and apply Life-Cycle as a top-dress as the nutrition depletes. Your plants will do the rest.
Eco-Life is based on a blend of naturally sourced inputs that replicate a humus-rich fertile soil. All of the ingredients we use are multi-nutritional and offer growth-stimulating benefits to maximise plant health, vigour and immunity. Also, by mixing in a range of long, medium and quick release ingredients, Eco-Life is capable of giving your plants the nutrition they need over a long period. While growing water-only is an option in large containers or beds, better results will be achieved with 2 or 3 top-dresses of Life-Cycle to replace the nutrition the plant has removed.

Give Your Plants The Very Best Organic Potting Mix
Perfect soil structure: After extensive trials and testing, we created a custom mix of peat, coco coir, vermicompost and pumice that has the perfect structure for optimal water retention while maintaining optimal aeration. It will hold water well to reduce run-off but also minimise the likelihood of overwatering thanks to its excellent aeration. This enhances optimal root development and aerobic conditions for good microbes. This careful balance of water and air holding capacity is the foundation of healthy roots.
Bursting with Biology: Without bacteria and fungi your soil is essentially dead. Beneficial biology is an essential part of healthy plant development in organic soil environments. The multitude of microbes in your soil is responsible for unlocking the nutrition from the raw materials. The microbes work with your plants to make nutrition available. A key component of Eco-Life is our own, supercharged vermicompost. It helps to kickstart the microbial life that characterises a healthy, living soil. Compost is the key to healthy soil and we've got it covered!
Eco-Friendly Production Process: Eco-Life soil is carefully blended and boxed indoors at Ecothrive’s HQ in Sheffield, UK. All of our inputs come from sustainable sources so you can be sure that every effort has been taken to protect the planet in the making and mixing of Eco-Life. We are fully transparent with all sources and investigate all inputs back to origin before approving them for our production process. There probably isn't a more sustainable way to grow without having to go to the lengths we have!
What's in Eco-Life? Eco-Life contains; Coco Coir, Irish Peat, Pumice, Vermicompost (Worm Castings), Mealworm Frass (Charge), Neem Cake, Seaweed meal, Insect meal, Micronised Rock Phosphate, Volcanic Rockdust, Gypsum, Calcium Limestone & Humic and Fulvic Acids. Loaded with organic nutrition, these natural inputs supercharge the potting soil.
- Premium Seaweed Meal - We sometimes call this “green gold” because of all the treasures it brings to the soil! Our seaweed meal is exclusively sourced from the highly-prized species Ascophyllum nodosum and contains an impressive spectrum of minerals—over 60 trace elements! This incredible, natural soil amendment gives your plants a luxurious nutritional diet complemented with valuable natural plant growth hormones including cytokinins to help drive cell division and speed up growth, auxins and gibberellins for assisting the mobility of essential nutrients, and indoles for turbocharged root development.
- Neem Cake- Neem is a potent source of soil fertility largely thanks to being a nutrient accumulator itself. Neem has deep reaching roots which pull up nutrition from deep down below the soil surface where other plants can’t reach. Neem is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium as well as calcium and magnesium. As an additional key benefit, neem also helps to ward off soil pests and pathogens.
- Basalt Rock Dust - The “magic ingredient” for essential trace elements and silica—essential for optimal plant health and vigour but often lacking from lesser soil mixes. Trace minerals form the building blocks of enzymes, proteins and many other metabolites while silica helps plants to grow big and strong with thick stems and branches to support heavy yields.
- Rock Phosphate - Providing a long term slow release of phosphorus, rock phosphate is added to our Eco-Life mix to raise this key nutrient and allow the benefical soil biology to steadily deliver it to the plant. Phosphorus is a key nutrient for all plants and plays an important role in root development, vegetaive growth and fruit and flower production.
- Gypsum - Gypsum is a great source of calcium, one of the most important nutrients for healthy plants in all growing situations! Calcium is needed for healthly leaf, fruit and flower development. The other beneficial side to gypsum is the sulphur which improves aroma, flavour development and overall health in fast-growing plants.
- Insect Meal - Our ecologically-sourced crustacean meal replacement! Insect meal is very similar to crustacean meal in its nutrient profile, but has very low sodium, making it an ideal living soil amendment. Rich in amino acids, nitrogen and phosphorus, this is a great source of nutrition for the plants, and for the soil biology. Most importantly, Insect meal is much more sustainable than crustacean meal, the insects are black soldier fly larvae and are grown indoors on controlled food waste streams. The time has come to stop depleting our oceans, and small moves like this can make a difference.
- Mealworm Frass (Ecothrive Charge) - Our flagship product, Charge, is well-known for its nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium boosting power, as well as being an excellent food source for beneficial microbes. This natural and ecological product helps to boost key primary nutrients in your soil mix. As a secondary benefit, mealworm frass also contains tiny fragments of mealworm skins and other body parts providing a great source of chitin to stimulate plant immune response and elevate defences.
- Vermicompost (Worm Castings) -This is the crucial ingredient that makes everything else work! We like to think of our premium quality vermicompost as the engine room of the soil mix. It introduces the bacteria and fungi required to break down the other inputs and make nutrients available to the plants. We use worm castings from an indoor worm farm where the worms are allowed to feed naturally on a luxurious (for worms!) diet of well aged aerobic thermophilic compost. The quality of the resulting worm castings is unbeatable. Adding a plethora of beneficial microbes, as well as extra nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and micronutrients, these incredibly high quality worm castings are the heartbeat of our living soils.
- Humic and Fulvic Acids -Humus is the final product of decomposition and is rich in humic and fulvic acids. Life-Cycle contains both humic and fulvic acids derived from naturally mined deposits of ancient vegetation. These key fractions are great at chelating nutrients making them easy for plants to uptake, as well as stimulating microbial activity and improving plant health and root growth.
Application and Usage Recommendations
To get the full benefits of using Eco-Life, we recommend using approximately 180-250L per 1.2m2.
We highly recommend using 45-60L per pot, with 4 pots per 1.2m2.
Other pot sizes will also work, as long as you get the soil volume to area ratio on point. For example; 2 x 90L pots, 6 x 30L pots, or one big 200L bed would all be suitable.
It is possible to use smaller pots with Eco-Life to grow plants full-term, but they will require more frequent top-dressing. The smallest pot we recommend is 25L.
See our grow guides for more information.

With a good watering technique the microbes in our soil will break down the organic nutrients in Eco-Life to make them available to the plants, just when they need them.
Maintaining even moisture is crucial for living soil biology. Avoid excessive drying or over-watering, which disrupts the ecosystem. Consider using a moisture sensor to dial in your watering practices.

Periodically top dress with Life-Cycle throughout the grow to provide ongoing nutrition to feed the soil. The microbes will, in-turn, feed the plant.
Typically with 45-60L pots, top-dress 1-2 tablespoons of Life-Cycle 3 times. Once at the end of vegetative growth, then again 2-3 weeks later, and the last application 4-5 weeks before harvest.

For maximum benefits, use our full range of organic inputs. Click here download our feed schedule & guidelines.
With a good watering technique the microbes in our soil will break down the organic nutrients in Eco-Life to make them available to the plants, just when they need them.
Maintaining even moisture is crucial for living soil biology. Avoid excessive drying or over-watering, which disrupts the ecosystem. Consider using a moisture sensor to dial in your watering practices.
Periodically top dress with Life-Cycle throughout the grow to provide ongoing nutrition to feed the soil. The microbes will, in-turn, feed the plant.
Typically with 45-60L pots, top-dress 1-2 tablespoons of Life-Cycle 3 times. Once at the end of vegetative growth, then again 2-3 weeks later, and the last application 4-5 weeks before harvest.
For maximum benefits, use our full range of organic inputs. Click here download our feed schedule & guidelines.

Pro Tip:
Consider a soil test at the end of each cycle for optimal results. We can help you with that! Get more details here
What is Eco-Life Living Soil?
Eco-Life is a high-quality organic potting mix rich in essential nutrients and beneficial microbiology, designed to support plants throughout their entire lifecycle.
How do I use Eco-Life?
Simply fill your containers, plant your seeds or cuttings and keep the soil moist. For great results, use 45L per pot with 4 pots per 1.2m². For best results, grow in soil beds.
Can Eco-Life be reused?
Yes, Eco-Life can be reused and regenerated with our soil enricher, Life-Cycle, making it a sustainable choice for organic cultivation.
What are the key benefits of using Eco-Life?
Eco-Life provides optimal soil structure, aeration and a thriving microbial environment, resulting in healthy, vigorous plants with minimal additional inputs required. Eco-Life soil can be re-amended and used again and again, breaking the buy and dump cycle that many indoor growers are stuck in.
Is Eco-Life suitable for beginners?
Absolutely! Eco-Life is easy to use and suitable for both beginners and experienced growers.
What makes Eco-Life eco-friendly?
Eco-Life is produced using sustainable methods and inputs. It is packaged in recyclable materials, reducing plastic waste.
Can I grow plants without additional nutrients?
Yes, Eco-Life contains all the necessary nutrients for plant growth from seed to harvest, eliminating the need for additional liquid feeds.
What should I do at the end of a crop cycle?
You can re-amend the soil with Life-Cycle or consider a soil test for precise adjustments.
Where is Eco-Life produced?
Eco-Life is carefully blended and boxed in Sheffield, UK, using locally sourced and sustainable inputs.
How can I contact Ecothrive for more information?
Visit our blog, send us a message or give us a call on 01142 580408